Water supply increase through 2 x new Tube wells 5 & 10 completed and operational
Water supply increase through 2 x new Tube wells 5 & 10 completed and operational
Addition of 76 cusecs Submersible motors installed in 2022 & 2023.
Space occupation built for Electrical Department SIE in 2023
Fire Fighting & Rescuing at high-risk buildings
Multipurpose 18000 ltr water refilling & Fire Fighting Bouzer.
Whole Sundar Industrial Estate waste water treatment plant
1. Piloting Completed Test Results are up to the mark by M/S Water Care Services.
2. Short Term Composite Sampling & Flow Measurement Consultancy is in process.
Addition of Water Bowzer, Back Hoe, and Rough cutter in Horticulture Department Fleet.
A State of the Art Multi Story Central Store being constructed
To over come storm water issue at SIE, opening of sleeves, fixing of precast channels are connected affectively.
Due to rapid colonization at SIE, Sundar Disposal Station Pumping Capacity enhanced with new submersibles and non clogging pumps to control storm water and sewer issue .