Disaster Management
A progressive strategy for managing disasters ensures that loss of life and property is reduced in a disaster event. Phases of disaster management prepare communities with the knowledge and resources to protect themselves from harm and to manage the response and recovery stages.
Reaction to a catastrophe occasion must be quick and compelling to battle the debacle, to help those influenced by it and to make the zone safe. There are two steps of disaster management:
Prevention and Preparedness:
Prevention and preparedness identifies potential risks and the actions that can be taken before a disaster event in order to reduce its impact. Preparedness includes arrangements or plans to deal with a disaster or the effects of a disaster.
In this regard, our team visited different industries and conducted awareness programs and training workshops for the workers and management to deal with any emergency situation including explosion, earthquake etc.
Response and recovery
As opposed to disaster prevention and preparedness, response and recovery are undertaken during a disaster and after it occurs.
Response is the process of combating a disaster and providing assistance to people affected by a disaster. The aim of response operations is to save lives, protect property and make an affected area safe. For this purpose Board of Management, Sundar Industrial Estate have its own rescue service and well trained staff.
Recovery is the process by which an affected community is assisted in regaining a proper level of functioning following a disaster. It comprises initial recovery, which satisfies personal and community needs and restores services to the level where local government and the normal responsible agencies can manage the continuing process.