Electric Bill Alert.
Dear Residents,
As the due date of Electricity Bill for the month of Aug-2021 is 19th Sep, 2021 which falls on public holidays, therefore as per rule / general practice due date is 20th Sep, 2021.
SNGPL Alert:
Unexpected shutdown at SNGPL main RLNG plant Karachi was done due to repair / maintenances works for 2 x days. The temporary gas shutdown will again be restored after said period.
Any information / query, contact to Focal Person 0317-9998124
Electric Alert:
It is requested to all electric consumers that in case of online payments (RTGS, ATM, Easy Paisa, Jazz Cash etc.) Cash payments on deposit slips, May be submitted to One Window SIE along with Electricity bill & Evidence of payment in order to avoid LPS & inconvenience.
Email ID.
One Windows [email protected]
Cell No # 03179998102
Dear Residents,
In line with SIE policy for a Secure & Safe work place for female staff, all residents are requested to take care of following measures in their factories / companies for the facilitation their female workers.
Provision of clean & easily accessible washrooms for female staff.
Provision of separate space / prayer area for female staff.
Please join us in making SIE as secure place for female staff.
For further Information, contact 0300-5000475
SIE is in the process of establishing Trauma Center for the benefits of all workers. SIE Donors towards this noble cause are invited to come forward and make contributions.
For info contact
0317 9998015
Environment alert
Residents of SIE are requested to please sort their waste within their factory as process waste/non process waste. It is further requested to please dump non process waste in bins and avoid accumulating uncessary waste in green belts and store such waste inside unit.
For information