Smog Alert 2022.

Dear Residents

Government of Punjab (GOPB) have declared SMOG as a calamity. Residents of SIE are requested to avoid open burning of waste.

It is also suggested to cope with pollution emitting from boilers and furnaces by adopting polluting controls measures.

Strict compliance must be ensured to avoid any actions by the Government Authority, as most of the factories outside SIE are reported closed by the Authority.

For further information Please contact EO-BOMSIE 03179997576.


Dear Residents,

In case of non-responding of HELPLINE 1032, contact as fol .

1. Elec. 0317 9998133

2. BCD. O&M 0317 9998124

3. Security Senior Supervisor 0317 9998054

4. Senior Estate Manager 0317 9998088

For any further info, please contact
One Window

BOM SIE Safety Drive – Alert

Dear Residents

To facilitate SIE workers, BOM has placed few Helmets at Main Gate no. 01 that can be given to riders on temporary loan against Original CNIC.

Please instruct respected workers to comply Helmet wearing & make SIE traffic safe for road users.

For info contact Security Dept.


Dear Residents

LESCO has arranged the shutdown on 132KV Chak65 Grid Station on Sunday dated (16-10-2022) from 08:00Hrs. to 18:00Hrs. (10Hours)

Inconvenience Regretted.

For details Call.

O&M & Aquifer Bills -Sept 22. (11-10-22)

O&M & Aquifer Bills -Sept 22.

11th Oct 22.

Dear Residents

Bills have been issued today with due date 24/Oct/2022

Copy also available on website (enter application #).

Please ensure timely payment to avoid LPS.

For Details Contact: