BOM SIE Safety Drive – Alert

To facilitate SIE workers & visitors, BOM has placed few Helmets at Main Gate no. 01 that can be taken on temporary loan against Original CNIC.

Please instruct respective workers & visitors to comply Helmet wearing & make SIE safe for road users.

For info contact Security Dept.

Establishment of Appointment line 1032 – Alert

I am pleased to announce that further to our facilitation & support to Residents, BOM SIE is adding another feature to its existing 1032 Helpline.

Residents may book an appointment with any of BOM Head of Department for addressing their observations or concerns / issues any time on 1032.

One Window staff (0317-9998103) will subsequently confirm the appointed date & time to the requesting Resident.


Muhammad Ahmed
Board of management’
Sundar Industrial Estate.

Green Belt Maintenance By-Laws – Alert

Dear Residents

Sundar Industrial Estate is best planned, green & clean Industrial Estate in Pakistan with green parks & ground. Keeping it Green & Clean is continuous process that need continuous efforts by stake holders.

Residents with unmaintained, under developed & unclean belts being approached for its mandatory maintenance responsibility as per Estate By-Laws.

I, strongly urge Sundar Community to contribute towards its image building & care about respective green belts. Neighbor may lodge complaint / information with One Window Staff. 0300-0444404

Muhammad Ahmed

Smog Alert 2022.

Dear Residents

Government of Punjab (GOPB) have declared SMOG as a calamity. Residents of SIE are requested to avoid open burning of waste.

It is also suggested to cope with pollution emitting from boilers and furnaces by adopting polluting controls measures.

Strict compliance must be ensured to avoid any actions by the Government Authority, as most of the factories outside SIE are reported closed by the Authority.

For further information Please contact EO-BOMSIE 03179997576.


Dear Residents,

In case of non-responding of HELPLINE 1032, contact as fol .

1. Elec. 0317 9998133

2. BCD. O&M 0317 9998124

3. Security Senior Supervisor 0317 9998054

4. Senior Estate Manager 0317 9998088

For any further info, please contact
One Window